What do I do if I hit a manatee while boating or find a stranded, injured, or dead manatee?

Collisions with watercrafts is the largest cause of manatee mortality. The animals come to the water surface every 2-5 minutes to breathe and prefer to dwell in shallow waters. So they are highly susceptible to collision with any boat or watercraft moving fast through their habitat, especially when there isn’t enough clearance for the watercraft’s hull to pass safely over the backs of the manatees. Many living manatees have been hit at least once by watercrafts, suffering injuries that adversely affect their ability to mate, swim, eat and care for their young ones.

Extra vigilance on waterways.

Slowing down while in manatee habitats is one of the best ways of reducing watercraft related injuries and death. But the boating community also must be extra vigilant on the waterways. Being watchful helps to keep manatees roaming freely and preserves them for future generations to enjoy.

So what should you do if your boat hits a manatee?

If your boat hits a manatee you must report the incident to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). That will ensure that the manatee is located and rehabilitated if it is only injured. Because injuries aren’t always obvious, you can observe the manatee for a short time to find out if it is hurt. Additionally, observe the animal for at least 15 minutes and determine the number of times it comes to the surface to breathe within intervals of 5 minutes. Since, a manatee can remain submerged for up to 20 minutes at a time, coming to the surface frequently after the collision indicates injury.

Signs of troubled manatees.

Apart from hitting a manatee with your watercraft, you may come across manatees that are in trouble due to other causes. Signs that a manatee is in trouble include:

1. Red or pink wound.
A red or pink wound indicates an open or fresh cut. Call the FWC immediately so they can stop the bleeding, dress the wound and prevent potential infection.

2. White or grayish-white wound.
White wounds show healed injuries, but internal harm might persist, necessitating ongoing observation. Thus, contact the FWC to ensure proper care for the sea cow.

3. Manatee tilting to one side.
If a manatee tilts and can’t submerge, it’s likely facing breathing issues or odd behavior. Therefore, call the FWC immediately.

4. Manatee entangled in crab trap lines.
If you observe a manatee entangled in a crab trap line, monofilament line, or other debris, avoid attempting to remove it yourself. Because, the debris could be deeply embedded under the animal’s skin and demands a trained veterinarian’s expertise to assess, remove, and repair the damage.

5. Manatee calf all by itself.
If you come across a manatee calf without adult companions nearby for an extended period, promptly notify the FWC. Keep in mind, manatee calves typically rely on cows for up to 2 years. Consequently, if a mother dies before weaning a calf, the calf’s chances of surviving alone increase.

6. Manatee with a tracking device or “tag”.
Researchers attach satellite or radio transmitters to manatees for obtaining protective information about them and their habitat. If you encounter tagged manatees, promptly report to the FWC. Even if the manatee faces entanglement danger, refrain from removing the transmitter. The tags detach whenever the animals are trapped.

Other things that you must report immediately to the FWC include:

  1. If someone harasses a manatee.
  2. If boaters speed within protected areas.
  3. If you come across dead manatees — autopsies can determine causes of death and threats they face.
  4. If you encounter a beached or stranded manatee — refrain from pushing it back into the water.

To report sick, injured, stranded, orphaned, or dead manatees in Florida, call 1-888-404-FWC (3922). You can also a text message or email to TIP@MyFWC.com. For more information on manatees and manatee tours in Florida, visit Captain Mike’s Swimming With The Manatees website.